
Monday, 15 April 2013

Spring... Finally!

Happy Spring everyone! For the first time, it actually felt like summer might be just around the corner today. Now I don't want to get my hopes up because, well, you know what Canada can be like! We had a snow day just 3 days ago (it was ridiculous how icy and dangerous it was), and now its almost 20 degrees outside! Well maybe not that hot, but it sure felt like it on my walk home from school! Today felt like a day of firsts, a day of beginnings, of starting anew. Not sure why, nothing that significant actually happened today, its just the general feeling in my head right now. Well I guess thats not true, today was my mom's birthday which could represent a start of something new, she's a year older, a new year as a new age. Its also a Monday which is the start of another school week (many pros and cons on that topic, but I'll leave that for another time). It was also, as I said, beautifully warm out today! So for the first time this year, I went out and played on the newly paved street with my brother and neighbours. And it was exactly what I needed to clear my head.

People say that that spring and fall don't really count as seasons, they're just transition seasons. Well, I have to admit spring IS my favourite season! Whether it counts or not. When it's winter, I'm wishing it was summer. And when it's summer, I'm always waiting for school so I can't fully enjoy myself then either. But in the fall, all the leaves change colour and it's the perfect temperature and it's beautiful at my cottage. And even though school starts, I do get to see all my friends that I missed during the summer holidays. And in the spring, it always smells wonderful, you get to dig out your summer clothes, go shopping for new ones, and start to plan for your summer break. I can't wait to start fresh in a new season, and I look forward to the new opportunities in the months to come! I hope everyone else can feel the way I feel at some point this spring, but if not try to make the best of it. And have some chocolate, that always helps. Sincerely, Sam

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