Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Poetry and Friends
I gotta say, I've never been a fan of poetry. I always thought it was boring, confusing, and a hard way to make a living. But today, I read a poem that opened my eyes to what the art of poetry can mean. As an artist, I use my paints, paint brush, and canvas as my outlet for what I'm feeling. Poets and authors do the same thing, except with words. They write their feelings down. Now this particular poem was written by one of my dear friends, who shall remain unnamed, and before reading it we had been talking a lot about relationships, and boys, and emotions, and boys, and gossip, and boys. You know, typical teenage girl stuff. And I, having next to no dating experience, was giving her advice on how to deal with jealousy and crushes and suspicious friends, and stuff. But, you never really know how they're feeling. Simple conversations through Facebook are not enough to really understand someone, and give them the kind of advice they will actually take. That's where the poetry comes in. This poem described with such beauty and imagination how she was feeling. And how I'm sure a lot of teenage girls might feel at some point. What surprised me was my reaction to the poem. I was speechless, in awe, astounded that my friend, who I've known for 4 years, had written these words that flowed together so seamlessly to tell a story of emotions so jumbled together it's indescribable sometimes. I've had the same reaction to countless paintings and other visual works of art, but I had never thought poetry could evoke the same reaction in me. I had also never seen this part of my friend before. I had known she was a caring, thoughtful, selfless, intelligent, sometimes self-concious person but until recently, I didn't know we had so much in common. Or that she was such a talented poet. So the lesson of today's post is: listen and learn more about your friends, be observant, be open, be there for them. Give advice that they may not take, talk to them like it's the last time you ever will, show them you appreciate what they've done for you (even if all they do is give you back massages), and above all else, read their poetry. Because chances are, it's awesome. Sincerely, Sam
P.S. If you would like to read this amazing poem that I've been raving about, it just so happens to be posted on her blog! So go read it, and continue reading her posts because I have a feeling we will be hearing her name at her next book signing!
Visit her blog here:
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Word of the Day

Good morning! What's your plan for the day? You know what you should do? Go hat shopping. Yes, that's what I said, hat shopping. Some people don't consider hats a valuable part of your wardrobe. I, for example, only own like 3 hats. But other people collect hats and can own hundreds of different kinds hats anywhere from ball caps and top hats to bonnets and berets. So, fitting with the hat theme for this post, my word of the day is.... milliner. What? You have never heard of a milliner? You have never met a milliner? Well, neither have I actually. I hadn't even heard of the word until a week ago when in drama we were telling each other what our strengths were and someone said to a guy in my class that he could be a hat stylist and my drama teacher told us that he could be a 'milliner'. We were all confused for a bit 'cause 'milliner' reminds me of the word 'miller' which is someone who works in a grain mill and I can't think of anyone who would dream of doing that when they grew up. And it has nothing to do with hats. Anyway, incase you were wondering, here is the exact definition of a 'milliner':
a person who designs, makes, or sells hats for women.
So there you go! You learned a new word today! Unless of course you already knew this word and you are shaking your head right now thinking how stupid I am for not knowing that word and not being as smart and beautiful and awesome as you are. You're also probably thinking what a waste of time reading this blog has been because you already knew what a milliner was. Well, thank you for continuing to read this. I appreciate it profusely. Also, I think you would look fabulous in a big, velvet, purple hat with a large, stuffed peacock and a silk, turquoise bow on it. Or maybe one of the hats I've included above. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. I'm a milliner. Sincerely, Sam
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
A Good Day...
Hey, gorgeous! No, don't look behind you. Yes, I am talking to you! How was your day today? Alright? That's great! How was mine? Well, thanks for asking! I had an awesome day today. Nothing abnormally special happened that made this day so great. However, my boyfriend brought me a bouquet of roses, I won the lottery, my long-lost best friend who I thought had died in a plane crash contacted me, and I was treated like a movie star. Just kidding! I don't have a boyfriend–although the guy I like smiled at me; I didn't win the lottery–although I feel like I did 'cause I have the best friends and family ever (Wow, that was really cheesy. I apologize.); my long-lost friend didn't contact me–although I did talk to my friend who just got back from Hong Kong; and I wasn't treated like Jennifer Lawrence (aka Katniss Everdeen. For you losers who don't know what The Hunger Games is... go look it up.)–although I did look pretty darn awesome today, not to be self-centered or anything. So I had an overall great day today and I just had to share it with you. For some reason, I just feel like smiling right now, and singing too (very badly, I might add. Which might be why my dog is staring at me...).
In drama class today, Kelly (my amazing drama teacher) had us tell the people next to us in the circle positive things about their personality and what impact they might have on the world. It was a really great exercise for us because we got to compliment our peers and hear good things about ourselves. It also inspired me to be more complimentary and positive towards other people outside of drama class. I learned that making someone else feel good, makes you feel good about yourself too. So go out there and make someones day a little happier! Tell the cashier at the grocery store that they look good in that unflattering apron they have to wear, or comment on how nice your receptionist's hair looks that day, or tell your grandmother how awesome her baking skills are. And give her a big hug too. Just compliment someone at least once a day, or more. Because if you believe in karma and you are nice to people 24/7 that means you'll get like a yacht and and a big house by the sea or something. Just joking, it isn't about money. Well, sometimes it is. But most of the time it isn't! Please, just be kind to one another! Sincerely, Sam
Sunday, 17 February 2013
My Book Of Awesome
Welcome, people of Earth and Beyond! I would love to believe that there are aliens on other planets reading this right now (if so, Hello! and you should contact NASA right now), but it is unlikely. Hmm, I wonder what they would look like if there were such thing as extra-terrestrials. Would they be ugly and green and dangerous as the media often makes them look, or would they be very similar to us? As beautiful as you, perhaps? No, that couldn't be possible, you are the definition of beauty. You're also awesome, and smart, and just an overall great person. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. Most of the time anyway... Any who, what was I talking about? Oh right! Today's edition to My Book Of Awesome! So here it is: Unexpected naps. You can relate, can't you? Don't you love it when you get all your homework done the day before, and then you have a sleepover with your friend and you stay up really late so you're tired but so happy the next day because you and your friend hardly ever get together so this is like a really rare thing, but after she leaves you realize that staying up late might not have been a good idea, and you lie down on the floor just to say hi to your cat and then you find yourself waking up an hour later with sleep in your eyes and fur all over your face? No? You've never done that? Hmm, maybe I was being too specific. But you know what I mean. It feels so good to just lie in the sun like a cat, to just stretch out, to not worry about any work or other people, and then find yourself suddenly awake and refreshed without ever deciding you were going to take a little nap. All I can say is, I love Sundays. Who ever decided that Sunday was going to be the resting day got it so right. So sleep on, people and aliens! You'll thank me for it. Sincerely, Sam
Friday, 15 February 2013
Word of the Day
Hi! Aren't you glad it's Friday today? Me too. I can stay up as late as I want and make up for it by sleeping in! That's what I look forward to most on the weekends. It is so.... voluptuous. Speaking of "voluptuous", this brings me to the topic of my post: the Word of the Day. And, you guessed it, it's "voluptuous"! So what does this word mean, you ask? Well, you could go look it up yourself but I thought I would make it easier for you.
full of, characterized by, or ministering to indulgence in luxury,pleasure, and sensuous enjoyment: a voluptuous life.
derived from gratification of the senses: voluptuous pleasure.
directed toward or concerned with sensuous enjoyment orsensual pleasure: voluptuous desires.
Anyway, I like this word because it sounds glamorous to say, and I like the definition. Something that gives you pleasure. Doesn't everyone want to do something or feel something or have something that is voluptuous at least once a day? I thought so; who wouldn't? Now you might be wondering how I came across this word. Well, if you'll just be patient, I'll tell you. One of my friends came over after school today and we got to talking about funny youtube videos. And she was telling me about some knitting group (she's very artsy and creative like me, so she likes knitting and sewing and crafting. And yes, she is my age.) that posts funny videos on youtube of them knitting in unusual places like "beside a cat", "beside a pole", in a swimming pool", and "underwater". Yes, I agree, they sound like nut-jobs. But, they also post tutorial videos on how to make different crafts such as, lets say, pom-poms. The specific video she was telling me about was of a flamboyant (a close second for today's Word of the Day), a young man showing how to make a pom-pom and saying (and I quote) "if I want my pom-pom to be more voluptuous, I'll just give it a little hair cut." It sounded so funny coming out of my friend's mouth and I can't really do it justice through text, but you get the idea. So there is the very long-winded story of how I found today's word of the day. Anything else you'd like to know? Well, if not, I hope you have a flamboyant, voluptuous day! (and make sure your pom-poms are voluptuous too) Sincerely, Sam
sensuously pleasing or delightful: voluptuous beauty.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Valentine's Day...
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Me and my valentine, Emily, had an awesome day today. What, you say? Yes, friends can be valentines too. Heck, I even asked my cat to be my valentine (he said *purrr* so I took that as a yes). Remember in elementary school when everyone got their parents to go out and buy a big box of heart shaped candies and those little paper valentine cards? And you spent the morning making little mailboxes with your name on it so that everyone could put the cards in it and you felt so special because everyone was your valentine. Can't we just go back to that? Actually no, let's not. Valentine's Day, just like many other holidays, has turned into one big consumerism conspiracy. Guys feel pressured by society to shower their significant other with flowers and chocolates and big stuffed teddy bears that will not, no matter how much you push, fit in their locker so they have to carry it around with them all day and be humiliated because their boyfriend's demonstration of love needs it's own seat in the classroom. At my school, you can buy kiss-o-grams to send to your valentine. I didn't get any today, but I'm not unhappy because the candy is crap anyway. However, just the idea that someone is thinking of you and making the effort to show it means more to me than any amount of calories and sugar.
Today in drama class, we played a game that fit with the Valentine's Day theme. Has any of you heard of a game called "Prom Date"? (I guess for today we should call it "Valentine's Day Date") No? Well, I'll describe it quickly. There are two circles of people. Everyone is sitting cross-legged and facing inwards. Each person on the outside circle sits directly behind someone on the inside circle. However, there is one person with out a partner, one person who is single and doesn't have a date for Valentine's Day (see the connection?). They also sit in the circle. Then this 'single' person calls two names of the people sitting on the inside. These people, who's names were called, must race to be the first person to touch the 'single' person's hand, and become their date. However, the people sitting behind them don't want their person to leave because they don't want to be the person without a date for Valentine's Day. So they must use any physical means possible to stop them from touching the 'single' person's hand. (In other words, an excuse to wrestle someone in a brutal test of strength.) The person who touches the 'single' person's hand first sits behind them and the new 'single' person proceeds to call out two new names. Unless the wrestlers reach a stale-mate and no one reaches the 'single' person within 10 seconds (or longer if you want to watch them struggle cuz its freaking hilarious). Get it? Sorry, that explanation wasn't actually that short. Anyway, we played this game in drama for almost the entire hour and 15 minutes. And it got intense. A girl in my class, Hannah, has a black belt in karate and can do like 50 push-ups in one go, or kill you if she wanted. Let's just say I'm glad I never had to be her 'date' for Valentine's Day. It is so funny to watch people's different strategies of holding their person back. (I've perfected the art of grabbing their arms like they're being arrested and then wrapping my legs around them like a koala bear.) It's also hilarious when the tallest person in the class gets paired up with the smallest person... I'll let you picture that yourselves. Although this game is so fun and it teaches you to get comfortable with your peers pretty quickly, it can be a brutal game. There were many rug-burns, bruised ribs, abused arms, and injured fingers by the end of the period. (Some of them my fault, I will admit. Apparently, I'm stronger than I look!) So don't suggest this game in your next gym class (unless you are doing a unit on wrestling) or when you go visit your local penitentiary (unless you want to be seriously injured). Instead, ask your valentine out by giving them a big hug, a teddy bear, or a kiss (real or chocolate, both are acceptable), not by attacking them...
All in all, an excellent Valentine's Day, by my standards! Sincerely, Sam <3
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
My Book of Awesome
Good morning, beautiful! Actually, it's afternoon where I am but that's topic for today's post. Plus it made you smile, didn't it? And who doesn't love a good smile? It is a guaranteed mood-lifter, the best medicine for whatever you are feeling, and it looks a hell of a lot better than a frown. Anyway, my Awesome thing for the day is in two parts: 1) A "good morning, beautiful" text from someone you care about. (Which I've never actually experienced, but I'm assuming it would start your day off on a good note.) and 2) The song "Good Morning, Beautiful" by Luke McMaster. I really like the song, and it describes exactly how I'm feeling right now. Now I don't have a boyfriend (or girlfriend, cuz you never know) so the song isn't really describing how I feel about a certain person, but with Valentine's Day being tomorrow I thought it was a good song that many people would be able to relate to. You're going to look it up now, aren't you? Ya, go listen to it right now. I'll wait!
Good song, right? (You're welcome, Luke. I just got more people to listen to you.) Anyway, I like the message of this song (and the fact that there is no swearing or talk of inappropriate body parts helps too) and even though I'm gonna be single on Valentine's Day, the one day where everyone is allowed to express how happy they are with their significant other and make everyone else feel bad about the fact that they don't have a valentine, this song helps me to feel happy and beautiful as the independent, SINGLE woman that I am. So be strong, single people! And if you are thinking about someone specific as you read this, tomorrow morning send them a "good morning, beautiful" text and make their day the best 'Thursday' ever. I guarantee they will love you even more, and it could start a beautiful, romantic relationship where you get married, settle down, pop out a couple of kids, maybe have a bit of money trouble along the way that puts a strain on your marriage, but you'll get through it together and in the end you'll live happily ever after. All because of a simple 3 word, 6 syllable, 20 letter text. So do it. Sincerely, Sam
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
30 Random Facts You Probably Didn't Know And Probably Don't Need To Know
1) Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
2) The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." uses every letter of the alphabet.
3) The words 'racecar', 'kayak', and 'level' are the same when written backwards. (palindromes)
4) There are only four words in the English language which end in 'dous': tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.
5) There are only 2 words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: abstemious, and facetious.
6) "Typewriter" is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.
7) A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
8) A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.
9) A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second. (So don't lie; you will never be able to be "back in a jiffy".)
10) A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
11) A snail can sleep for three years.
12) Almonds are a member of the peach family.
13) An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. (I know some people like that also...)
14) Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.
15) February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.
16) In the last 4,000, no new animals have been domesticated.
17) If the population of China walked past you in rows of 8, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.
18) Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
19) Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite.
20) Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
21) The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.
22) The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth 2 moves only 6 inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns.
23) The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket. (Good thing he hadn't eaten it yet.)
24) The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid.
25) There are more chickens than people in the world.
26) Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance. (Dancing in the 70s sure was crazy!)
27) Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
28) All the ants in Africa weigh more than all the elephants.
29) A lump of pure gold the size of a match box can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court.
30) Giraffes can clean their ears with their 18 inch tongue.
Hello my fine friend! How are your feeling today? Okay? Well, my day was pretty uneventful. The usual classes and people at school, if you know what I mean... ;) Anyway, I had a student services appointment today in order to switch from french to gym. Why, you ask? Because french doesn't like me and the feeling is mutual, thats why. So I'm talking to the guidance councillor and he's looking at my course plan for grade 11 and he's talking about mandatory courses and classes and planning and and how much work I'm going to have ahead of me. And all I'm thinking is ".... future.... confusing.... don't know what the heck I'm doing.... oh no, more work?.... should I?... I don't like choosing.... am I making the right choice?....etc" By a show of hands, how many of you have ever felt that way at some point of your life? Anybody? Oh right, this is a blog post so I can't see you. But I'm assuming most people have. That feeling of having to make choices that will affect the rest of your life, the worry of what will happen if you make the wrong choice, always comparing yourself to others even though it doesn't matter at all. That's how I was feeling after I left the Student Services office. I'm sure whatever I choose to do when I grow up, I won't have a problem with marks slowing me down or anything like that. I'm a straight A student (or I guess straight 90s 'cause in high school they use fancy percentages and averages to confuse kids and make them feel stupid). I guess the lesson I should take from this, and you can learn too if you want but no pressure, is not to worry too much about the future. All we can do is plan for the future and hope that it works out. I have to focus on what's best for me at the time and make decisions, that might not end up being the right ones, based on the information I have at the time. One of my favourite quotes is "I guess that's all forever is, just one long trail of nows." from the Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans. I think it's a good sentiment to remember, so it's my quote of the day. Sincerely, Sam
Saturday, 9 February 2013
My Book Of Awesome
Hello! Wow, you look amazing today! Is that a new moisturizer? And your hair... it's stunning! Anyway, what was I going to say before your beauty took me off guard? Oh right! The second edition to My Book Of Awesome. Today I was cuddling with my cats, Jax and Bella, and they were purring away and then, here's the funny part, Jax sneezed! Can you picture it? He's an incredibly fluffy tabby-cat, kinda like a squirrel. Well, he scrunched up his little cat face, put back his little cat ears, flicked his squirrel tail, and sneezed! It sounded so adorable. So the Awesome thing for today is.... cat sneezes! So for all you cat-lovers listen in next time your cat gets a cold! (If they even get colds.) Sincerely, Sam
Friday, 8 February 2013
My Book Of Awesome
Good evening, I hope your your day was as fun-filled as mine! Just kidding, I did absolutely nothing all day. And it was awesome! So up here in Canada, we do things a little differently. We live in igloos, we ride polar bears to school, and our parliament buildings are an exact replica of the White House except completely made of ice. Kidding, again! But we do get a lot of snow, especially today. We got at least 60 inches! Therefore all the buses (not polar bears) were cancelled due to dangerous road conditions. Which inspired my new segment for this blog: My Book Of Awesome. Now, some of you might have already heard of The Book Of Awesome, written by Neil Pasricha, which I haven't read but you should buy and then lend it to me. Anyway, this segment will be virtually the same thing except its all things that I consider Awesome. Every day, or maybe not, I will post something that I think is awesome. Something totally random that came to my attention that day. I've learned that we go through life not fully appreciating the little things, we focus on complaining when we should be enjoying. As my dad says "You have to find the chocolate in the oatmeal". I'm not sure if chocolate would even taste good in my morning porridge but you get the idea. So, the Awesome thing of the day is.... snow! Today was a snow day and even though I just got a new treatment for my warts (attractive, huh?) a couple days ago and I've been limping around the house, I still didn't have to go to school which is always awesome! So next time you are unhappy because you have to shovel the sidewalk or the car gets stuck in a snow bank, think of the children who don't have to go to school that day. Actually that doesn't sound very good. Just appreciate the beauty and awesomeness of snow, because there are some people in the world who have never even seen it. Mother nature should distribute it more fairly, don't you think? We get 60 inches of snow and the Sahara desert gets 60 inches of sand. And spiders, and snakes, and scorpions. We definitely have the better deal up here in Canada. 4 full seasons and fewer venomous creatures. So, stay awesome snow! We are glad to have you! Sincerely, Sam
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Word of the Day
Hey, how was your day? Did you learn anything new? No? Well, here's an interesting and slightly disturbing fact about turkeys. Male turkeys only look at the females' heads for mates. So a turkey will have sex with a turkey head on a stick! Guess where I learned that? In drama class yesterday! What are they teaching kids these days? Ok, now on to the actual purpose of this post; my new segment called Word of the Day. Everyday –or if I'm feeling lazy, not everyday– I am going to pick one word that I heard that day that I find interesting or weird. So the Word of the Day today is paleoanthropology. Directly from Wikipedia, here is the definition:
Paleoanthropology (English: Palaeoanthropology; from Greek: παλαιός (palaeos) "old, ancient"), anthrōpos (ἄνθρωπος), "man", understood to mean humanity, and -logia (-λογία), "discourse" or "study"), which combines the disciplines of paleontology and physical anthropology, is the study of ancient humans as found in fossil hominidevidence such as petrifacted bones and footprints.
Cool, huh? It's fun to say too. Paleoanthropology. Pal-e-o-an-thro-pol-o-gy. Paleoanthropology. Paleoanthropology. Ok, now it's starting to loose its meaning. You know how after you say a word too many times it just starts to sound like a bunch of... sounds? Now, you are probably wondering why I chose this word. To be honest, there is no reason. It was totally random. It just happens to be Mary Leakey's 100th birthday and she was a paleoanthropologist. But of course, if you were on Google at all today you would already know this. Isn't Google just great for random facts like that? I hope one day my birthday will be celebrated on Google. Millions of people playing games, or seeing animations, or learning about new things just because Google did a tribute to your birthday. So what do you think your Google tribute would look like? Please leave a comment and tell me what you think you'll be famous for. Sincerely, Sam
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Little Treasures
Hi, how was your day? Did you do anything creative? I hope so because it's good for your brain and body, and when you are happy you are guaranteed to look even more beautiful than you already are. Well, below I've posted my most recent creative endeavour. These three paintings are all part of a series that I've decided to call "Little Treasures". Kinda cheesy, I know. But I like cheese, especially on my pizza, with peppers and pineapple too. Sorry, I'm getting off track, aren't I? Apparently I'm hungry! Anyway, the one of the little turtle isn't finished yet as I hope you guessed. I couldn't figure out the colours and shading, got frustrated, and gave up. But I promise to finish it soon! And there are a few changes I'd like to make to the little monkey. So please leave your comments so I improve my skills and become a better artist. Thanks for the support! Sincerely, Sam
Paint your dreams
I love painting and doing anything that involves using my hands. Over the years, I've accumulated a large portfolio of pieces, some better than others, that I would like to share with everyone. Every so often I am planning on posting a picture of a completed painting or one that is in the go. So, please feel free to leave comments on what you think and how I can improve. I'm always ready to learn! Thanks a bunch! Sincerely, Sam
Music, Dance, Health
Dancing. Its fun, energizing, and great for your mental and physical health. My song of choice for today is "Vogue" by Madonna. I love rocking out to the queen of empowerment. She makes me feel strong, happy and beautiful. I just got home from school and the first thing I did was put on this song and started singing, quite badly, and dancing around the house. (I think I scared the cats.) Anyway, I thought I would share 5 of my favourite reasons why dancing is good for you. You don't have to be able to do all those acrobatic jumps and tricks that they do on Dancing with the Stars, I don't want you hurting yourself on my account, but just moving your body in any way that makes you feel comfortable and beautiful is a guaranteed mood-lifter. So here are my 5 reasons why you should turn up the tunes and shake that booty!
1. It's a fun way to burn calories and get fit.
An hour of vigorous dancing (think quickstep, not waltz) can burn up to 500 to 700 calories depending on your height, weight and fitness level. And it's a lot more fun than trudging along on the treadmill.
2. It wards off disease.
Studies by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute have shown that regular activity through dance can help prevent heart disease and decrease blood pressure. Dancing also helps strengthen your bones and joints, preventing osteoporosis, and keeps your weight in check, helping against diabetes.
3. You'll get lean... and less mean.
Not only does dancing improve posture, flexibility and help manage weight, but it's also a proven stress and tension reducer for the mind and body. (Unless you're performing live in front of millions of viewers--I hear that can be pretty stressful.)
4. Music helps your brain work out too.
If you're dancing, you're probably doing it to some of your favorite tunes, which not only keeps your body moving, but your brain as well. A study in the Heart & Lung journal showed that people who listened to music while they exercised showed better "verbal fluency," as listening to music "may stimulate and increase cognitive arousal while helping to organize cognitive output." So turn up the stereo and get your brain in on the action!
5. Dancing with your partner can improve your relationship.
Discovering new steps together teaches couples to interact with each other. They're looking into each other's eyes, anticipating the next move. It opens up energy channels of feeling and connection. It rejuvenates everything. Dance has abilities to foster communication skills and respect, as well as relieve stress, as other positive influences on couples who learn to dance together.
Monday, 4 February 2013
Never underestimate...
Oh, hi! How are you today? Well, you look great. So, I thought I should start off by explaining the title of my blog: Never Underestimate... It began as my brother's catchphrase but he wasn't doing it justice so I decided to adopt it. "Never underestimate [INSERT PHRASE HERE]." It works with just about anything. Go ahead, try it out. Never underestimate.... the power of Yoda. Never underestimate.... unmatching socks. Never underestimate.... orange juice. Never underestimate.... the old lady behind you at the supermarket. Seriously, it is very versatile. And it's so true, too. Don't ever judge someone just because you don't know them. They could surprise you. Don't ever make assumptions based on rumours or gossip that you've heard-through-the-grape-vine, as they say. Don't miss out on opportunities because you don't know what is going to happen or you've heard something about it that scares you. Take risks, be open, and never underestimate... Sincerely, Sam
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