
Friday, 15 February 2013

Word of the Day

Hi! Aren't you glad it's Friday today? Me too. I can stay up as late as I want and make up for it by sleeping in! That's what I look forward to most on the weekends. It is so.... voluptuous. Speaking of "voluptuous", this brings me to the topic of my post: the Word of the Day. And, you guessed it, it's "voluptuous"! So what does this word mean, you ask? Well, you could go look it up yourself but I thought I would make it easier for you.


full of, characterized by, or ministering to indulgence in luxury,pleasure, and sensuous enjoyment: a voluptuous life.
derived from gratification of the senses: voluptuous pleasure.
directed toward or concerned with sensuous enjoyment orsensual pleasure: voluptuous desires.
sensuously pleasing or delightful: voluptuous beauty.

Anyway, I like this word because it sounds glamorous to say, and I like the definition. Something that gives you pleasure. Doesn't everyone want to do something or feel something or have something that is voluptuous at least once a day? I thought so; who wouldn't? Now you might be wondering how I came across this word. Well, if you'll just be patient, I'll tell you. One of my friends came over after school today and we got to talking about funny youtube videos. And she was telling me about some knitting group (she's very artsy and creative like me, so she likes knitting and sewing and crafting. And yes, she is my age.) that posts funny videos on youtube of them knitting in unusual places like "beside a cat", "beside a pole", in a swimming pool", and "underwater". Yes, I agree, they sound like nut-jobs. But, they also post tutorial videos on how to make different crafts such as, lets say, pom-poms. The specific video she was telling me about was of a flamboyant (a close second for today's Word of the Day), a  young man showing how to make a pom-pom and saying (and I quote) "if I want my pom-pom to be more voluptuous, I'll just give it a little hair cut." It sounded so funny coming out of my friend's mouth and I can't really do it justice through text, but you get the idea. So there is the very long-winded story of how I found today's word of the day. Anything else you'd like to know? Well, if not, I hope you have a flamboyant, voluptuous day! (and make sure your pom-poms are voluptuous too) Sincerely, Sam

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