Good morning! What's your plan for the day? You know what you should do? Go hat shopping. Yes, that's what I said, hat shopping. Some people don't consider hats a valuable part of your wardrobe. I, for example, only own like 3 hats. But other people collect hats and can own hundreds of different kinds hats anywhere from ball caps and top hats to bonnets and berets. So, fitting with the hat theme for this post, my word of the day is.... milliner. What? You have never heard of a milliner? You have never met a milliner? Well, neither have I actually. I hadn't even heard of the word until a week ago when in drama we were telling each other what our strengths were and someone said to a guy in my class that he could be a hat stylist and my drama teacher told us that he could be a 'milliner'. We were all confused for a bit 'cause 'milliner' reminds me of the word 'miller' which is someone who works in a grain mill and I can't think of anyone who would dream of doing that when they grew up. And it has nothing to do with hats. Anyway, incase you were wondering, here is the exact definition of a 'milliner':
a person who designs, makes, or sells hats for women.
So there you go! You learned a new word today! Unless of course you already knew this word and you are shaking your head right now thinking how stupid I am for not knowing that word and not being as smart and beautiful and awesome as you are. You're also probably thinking what a waste of time reading this blog has been because you already knew what a milliner was. Well, thank you for continuing to read this. I appreciate it profusely. Also, I think you would look fabulous in a big, velvet, purple hat with a large, stuffed peacock and a silk, turquoise bow on it. Or maybe one of the hats I've included above. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. I'm a milliner. Sincerely, Sam
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