
Monday, 18 March 2013

My Book of Awesome

Hey there! How was your first day back in reality after March Break? Did you find the chocolate in the oatmeal, as they say? Speaking of chocolate, this brings me to my Awesome thing of the day: Chocolate milk. Ok, you might be thinking "Chocolate milk? That's it? How mediocre." Well I'm not talking about your average, everyday chocolate milk. I'm talking creamy, luscious, rich, fulfilling chocolate milk. I'm talking Limestone Organic Creamery chocolate milk. You know, the expensive, once-and-a-while, really good chocolate milk. Seriously, it's the best chocolate milk ever. But I guess there is a bit more than just the milk that goes along with today's Awesome thing. It's the fact that when I got home from school I opened up the fridge looking for a snack, not expecting to see such a wonderful beverage on the top shelf, and I saw the telltale shape of a Limestone Organic Creamery bottle and when I pulled it out from behind the mustard, I saw that the milk inside was that delicious chocolatey brown colour, and when I poured the milk into my glass the little amount that was left was just enough to fill it, and when I set the glass down, empty, I had the satisfaction of knowing the fact that I finished the chocolate milk will annoy my brother. Okay, so I know that makes me seem like a total nut-case for taking my cocoa-infused beverages so seriously, but that's the point of My Book of Awesome. To acknowledge the little things that make me happy and take them more seriously. This is what makes up my life, the little details that most people miss, the insignificant comments and jokes that make you smile in the moment but are forgotten seconds later, the memories and thoughts connected with specific objects or sounds that will come rushing back whenever inspired. So my little, happy, Awesome element of the day is: Chocolate milk. Just because it tastes so darn good. Sincerely, Sam

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