
Saturday, 16 March 2013

Word of the Day

Hello, how's your March Break been? Have you been sleeping in? Travelling? Getting stuff done? Me too. But for some reason, this week has gone by really slowly. Maybe it's because my brother had hockey multiple times a week so we couldn't go anywhere. Maybe it's because I didn't know what to do with my time. Maybe it's because I missed talking to my friends like I normally do everyday. Which brings me to my Word of the Day: miss. What does it mean to miss someone? Is it that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach every time you hear their name? Is it the longing to give them a hug and see their wonderful smile? Ok, so thats just one definition of the word 'miss'. You could also 'miss the ball' when playing catch, or 'miss the train' when going on a trip. Here's the specific definition for 'miss', if you're picky and were wondering:


to fail to hit or strike: to miss a target.
to fail to encounter, meet, catch, etc.: to miss a train.
to fail to take advantage of: to miss a chance.
to fail to be present at or for: to miss a day of school.
to notice the absence or loss of: When did you first miss your wallet?

Now, today I'm focusing on number 5. "To notice the absence or loss of." Because this week I began to notice the absence or loss of a number of things. I missed my friends, specifically certain people, or person. Whether they know who they are or not. I'm sure many of you know the feeling of missing someone. Like the quote that I've included above, it describes what lovers may feel when they are apart from one another. And even though I don't have that kind of claim on someone, that doesn't mean I don't feel it sometimes. I'm sure you've felt this way about someone at some point too. Right now you are thinking about this person and how happy you feel when you're around them, and how when you are apart you physically feel like you've lost a part of you. Your heart starts pumping when you picture their face and you imagine the conversation you might have with them if they were with you at that moment. It doesn't matter that these feelings may only be a superficial result of the raging hormones that cloud your mind at times when you're my age, or if they are a lifelong, everlasting emotion that you know you will share with this person until the end of time. It doesn't matter. So long as you know this feeling, because it means you've experienced a strong connection to someone. Now you may be thinking, what if I like being single? What if I don't have a significant other? Well, that's not the only kind of connection you can have with another human being. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, friends, pets, aliens, or another kind of being can be missed. I mentioned earlier that I missed a specific someone. You don't know who that could be, do you? Who knows, maybe its you! Perhaps the person you miss is me. I don't know, and you don't know. And I'm not telling. Unless you ask nicely, then maybe. And bring me some chocolate.

Just to prove my point, I'll tell you something else about the word 'miss'. Its can be applied to ANYTHING. You can feel that physical loss anywhere, at any time, about anything. I realized during my break how much I missed skiing, and horse-back riding, and my bed. I hadn't gone skiing in at least a year and yesterday I went to Camp Fortune with my friend. Even though the ski boots hurt for a little while before my feet got used to it, I enjoyed myself more than I had hoped. Feeling the wind against my jacket, and exercising my whole body to make it down the hill safely and gracefully reminded me why I miss skiing once the season is over. Then on the way home, I was so utterly exhausted, I almost fell asleep in the car. I just about feel asleep right when my head hit the pillow when I finally went to bed and I realized how much I missed the comfort of my own mattress. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about! Today I went riding for the first time in months and I felt the same way. I hadn't realized how much I missed it until I got back on. I know I'm gonna be sore tomorrow but I'm in such a good mood because that feeling I get when I ride has been revived and I am looking forward to next week's lesson.

See? I told you the word 'miss' could mean anything! So comment below and tell me what you miss, or who you miss. Especially if it's me that you are longing to see again, because chances are I feel the same way. Sincerely, Sam

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